The National Society of Black Engineers Charlotte Professionals (NSBE CP) is thrilled to announce its upcoming events aimed at advancing STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education in the community. The cornerstone of these efforts is the annual “A Walk For Education” (AWFE), scheduled throughout February and March 2025, followed by the STEM Fair on March 29th, 2025.

AWFE is a grassroots initiative where NSBE members visit underserved communities, going door-to-door to distribute valuable information on college opportunities, scholarships, SAT/ACT preparation tools, and the benefits of pursuing majors in STEM fields. The organization firmly believes in the transformative power of education and sees AWFE as a potent means to unlock the potential of underserved youth. The grand culmination of AWFE is the STEM Fair, scheduled for March 29th, 2025. The organization aims to expand the fair by including 10 colleges/universities, 3+ STEM teams (robotics teams, etc.), health and fitness organizations, and local organizations and businesses.

Support can be extended through partnerships and volunteering. Colleges, universities, and organizations are encouraged to donate educational resource materials for grab bags or set up booths at the STEM Fair. NSBE CP is looking for 50+ volunteers for door-to-door walks and an additional 10 volunteers to assist with the STEM Fair setup and activities. Sponsorship and donations are also crucial, and companies/organizations contributing will have their names prominently displayed on volunteer t-shirts. Additionally, donations are needed for food, giveaways, on-site entertainment, scholarships, marketing materials, and printed information.

Interested parties are encouraged to contact Ray Smith-Byrd, NSBE CP Finance Chair (, or Miles Johnson, NSBE CP Programs Chair (, for further details.

Click a sticky note for more information on how you can participate in these events!